Hohenzollernring 25
50672 Cologne
E-Mail: b2b-eu@picanova.com
Managing Director (authorized to solely represent the company):
Björn Boos, Christian Lindner, Daniel Mühlbauer, Philipp Mühlbauer
Cologne HRB 58130
Registry Court: Cologne District
VAT-ID-Nr.: DE 814712805
Privacy Policy: data-protection-officer@picanova.com
Payments for Credit Card are handled via:
Picanova GmbH
Hohenzollernring 25
50672 Cologne
Alternative Online Dispute Resolution according to Art. 14 Abs. 1 Resolution (EU) 524/2013 and Alternative Dispute Regulations 2015:
The European Commission is providing a dedicated platform for Online Disputes for consumer disputes (OD), which can be accessed via http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Since we are not obligated to participate in such dispute procedure by law, we herby inform that we do not attend to such a Dispute Resolution on either compulsory or voluntary basis.